Dewdrop Foundation’s team paid an advocacy visit to Umuode Women group to introduce the 18 months project on ‘Women Empowerment and Inclusive Governance’ to them who are the direct project beneficiaries. They were informed that the project aims to consolidate and scale-up the outcomes achieved in the past project with a focus to build the leadership capacities of more women to take up the roles of advocating and promoting access for women to land resources. The project would adopt strategies such as organizing leadership workshops for the women, appointing of women coordinators whom will champion the cause of advocating for issues of the women. The workshops will give opportunity for the women to identify their individual and collective challenges and with voice advocate for solutions at community leadership level.

The project also seeks to gain access to land resources for the women. The land resources would be a source for women to carryout commercial farming for economic empowerment. This is eliminate the chances of women becoming victims to gender based violence and other forms of exploitations. It will also provide them with a source of livelihood and shelter.
An inception meeting would be organized where more details of the project’s activities would be shared with the women and other key stakeholders. About 10 women would be appointed at the inception for the role of coordinators to champion the cause of the project’s activities as a means of sustaining its outcomes at the end of the project.
A survey will be conducted to identify women with leadership capacities who occupy existing leadership roles and those with potential to be enlisted as part of those to lead the advocacy on addressing leadership gaps and project management needs amongst the women group.